
B.Science (Nutrition), Hons (Dietetics)

University of Sydney 2008


Hi! I'm Courtney, an Accredited Dietitian & Nutritionist and owner of Healthy Bods Nutrition. 


My food philosophy is that nutritious is delicious. No fad diets. Just real food. When it comes to nourishing the body, I believe there is no "one size fits all" plan. I tailor my advice specifically to you and your nutritional needs and goals. 


I've worked with clients in the hospital setting and private practice for 15 years, managing a wide range of health conditions. I have a particular interest in women's health and children's nutrition. 


I am a virtual dietitian offering online video consultations. I am the dietitian and ambassador for a number of brands creating credible content for social media. 


A little more about me. My happy place is being by the sea! My favourite food is haloumi. I am a Mum to 2 little ones. 

Virginia Woolf said it best. "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well".